Archive for May, 1975


Tuesday, May 6th, 1975
            I know I'm doing it the hard way
            but I'm in that never-never land
            of emotional riptides.
            I want to make the pain go away
            but of the two ways open to me
            neither claims my heart.
            She won't wait too long
            until she makes the choice for me
            and thus this play goes on
            Waiting in quiet panic
            for the end
            of our seven year song.
                           6 may 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, May 13th, 1975
            Walking on the edge of more than I know
            tasting the fruit of dreams that I sowed
            Emptyness is all that I know
            and yet ... and yet I continue to sow.
                              13 May 1975

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, May 14th, 1975
            I've loved ... and cannot resist their eyes
               I cannot play at their distance games
                  to maintain control.
            I've known all that this distance blocks
               and that's worth more to me
                  than all its lack admits.
            Seeing their eyes I'm alarmed
               at how much I allow them
                  of myself.
                                 14 May 1975

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —