Archive for July, 1983


Saturday, July 2nd, 1983

This place is outrageous.
There’s a post office on the main street
of Rajneeshpuram, Oregon
and lights over the road like Disneyland
and an orange party underneath.
It’s festival time,
party time at Rancho Rajneesh;
the eye of the storm.


02 july 83 – Rajneeshpuram

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1983-07-03 Festival Snapshots

Sunday, July 3rd, 1983

Festival Snapshots

Morning, serving breakfast,
still fasting, bright and clear,
the lady vectored to the heart of it.
Laser surgery with loving eyes;
this is not it. The ideas are not it.
They just indicate it, as Bhagwan says,
like fingers pointing at the moon;
they are not it.

This is a stage provided
for us to work ourselves out on.
I can’t remember all her words
but they ran like silver through me
and that I can’t remember them doesn’t matter.
Truth has its own memory.

What I remember most is the feeling
as she spoke, and her eyes …
with openness and love,
like the glow of whiskey going down,
or Venus rising.


03 july 83 – Rajneeshpuram

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1983-07-03 What to do

Sunday, July 3rd, 1983

What to do?

I believe in this.
No waiting through thousands of people
and months of time
for someone real to come by.
Here, every other person
is a wonder of openness and courage.

From all over the world
people who believe like I do have come together.
The languages, the faces, the beauty
– it’s astonishing.

It’s not power they respect,
nor possessions or title
but rather, just that same thing
that I went seeking so long ago
in such a stumbling way.


03 july 83 – Rajneeshpuram, Oregon

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —