Archive for the ‘Texas’ Category

1970-03-29 Wife

Sunday, March 29th, 1970

         I could taste the salt of her tears in the kiss
         smell the dampness of them on her cheek
         filled with love she lay trembling
         under the whip of uncertainty
         Would love be her salvation or her pain?

         With shyness she smiled at me through tears
         and tears welled to my eyes
         with the tenderness I sensed
         Love, our pain, our greatest joy
         Calmness filled me while pain remained
         where was truth, I know not
         but it is there.

                              29 mar 70
                              Port Lavaca, TX

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1983-01-12 On Sophies choice

Wednesday, January 12th, 1983
                        On Sophie's choice
         Let me look ... let the light freeze just there
            on these love worn hands and new grayed hair
         softly now ... go and see your child
            go and look ... with your eyes that can feel and smile
         That your children, so loved, can die ... its unbelievable
            their small coats still buttoned up.
         And your wife, with her warmth at night
            and all those photograph albums shared
               and the cups she's dried with care
                  and the small wrinkles that seem to run
                     where once was young and fair.
         Go, my friend, and walk the house and touch the wood
            and sit among it ... your midnight kin
         and let the walls come round you ... and the moments wait
            while you think how frail, frail is this love
         That a child, you've dressed for school can die,
            a bullet's glove, on a concrete step.
         And that the woman who's shared all those years
            can become just a statistic 
               in some foreigner's newspaper
         Some day these all, the child, warm wife, and wood
            could be torn from your page of life
         and your cups go broken ... and their skin grow cold
            while pitiless politicians
               vie for their intangible goods....
                                    12 January 1983
                                       Dallas, TX

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-10-23 Reading Elizabeth Haich

Tuesday, October 23rd, 1984


                  Reading Elizabeth Haich


            Sometimes I imagine that by
            immersing myself in the lore
            of higher consciousness
            I will become enlightened.


            Like a child who puts on
            the clothes of the parent
            and parades about
            in a fantasy world.


            These things are only tools,
            choreographs of a dance,
            which cannot be experienced
            except by the dancer.


            Only paper and words to me
            unless I find the way
            to breath life into them
            in my dance of life.


                        23 Oct 84
                        - @ 35,000 ft
                          Dallas -> Orange County



— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —