Archive for the ‘2020’ Category

2020-09-14 – Timeless Change Incarnate

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

In this moment you are in the flow of all that is,
timeless change incarnate.
When you take form you appear, you differentiate,
you become active and resistive.
And resistance is the stuff of Karma.
If thoughtlessness ensues, you do not disappear.
It is just the active that becomes passive
and the resistance that disappears.
You will be a point-of-presence until your life ends.
You create worlds because of your dualism.
Without it, nothing would be expressed
against the screen of the One.
The One and nothing are indistinguishable,
and without differences.
In and out of manifestation then; active and passive,
here and not here,
you cannot put a foot into that one river
in the same way twice.
In the flow, you vanish.
And when you focus again,
you reappear different than everything and
always an inseparable a part of the One.
