1975-04-15 Dominance


      We open up to those who, we feel,
      will share our picture of ourself.

         How confident we are is proportional
         to how much of a chance we're willing to take.

      We can resist those who won't agree with us
         up to a point.

      And we can be open towards those
         we're not sure will agree with us
            up to a point.

      To practice full openness all the time
         is self destructive
      and to seek to dominate all the time
         is cowardice.

      But somewhere there are our peers
         with whom dominance and openness balance.

      to scare yourself by opening to your peers is healthy
         to be an idealist and open yourself to non peers
            is insane whether you win or lose.

                              15 April 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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