So I began the day by finding strength
by deciding Bhagwan’s trip had crossed some line
past which I wouldn’t go.I`Il pull myself back, and choose what I will
and I will not accept
any more Zen mumbo-jumbo.But, in the end, the real strength of the day
came again from Bhagwan in an article I readHe said that accepting playfulness
was the only way we should approach this life
that willfulness and pain are inseparable
without endAnd more people came to me, easily, on this one day
than I met in all of last year’s festival
my smiles seemed to find some deeper source
and the day became a realization and a meditation
of the magic of this mangallagher
02 july 84
Rajneeshpuram, OR
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —