1985-12-16 December 16, 1985

                                                  December 16, 1985
                          Hi sweetie,
                 It was really nice to hear from you - It
         surprised me.  I had been wondering about you;  how
         you're managing, how everything is going, how things
         are at work, at home in Irvine, at Rose's, with Kathy
         etc ...  But I was waiting for you to give me the green
         light.  You have to do things your way. You're the one
         who sets the pace now as far as you and I stand.  I
         hope for friendship one day in the future.  in the
         meantime, I know it's rough for you.  Things could be
         worse you know.  I hope each day finds you a little
         stronger.  I hope you will meet a wonderful woman who
         will be ready for you, because by then you'll be ready
         too.  I hope a lot for you, babe.  And I hope you'll
         keep in touch when you feel like it, when it's right
         for you.  Hope to hear from you.  I'll write.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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