2022-04-04 – Night draws near

I know that I am a transient form.
Just some matter, come to consciousness,
after a long 3 billion year climb.

A collection of memories, experiences, and genetics
that has mistaken itself for more than just
the collection of things that have happened to this body.

Before I was born – I was not.
And now – I am here.
But there is another turn to this wheel.

I see my transience – and I accept it.
I know that I am just a pattern impressed
on this passing flesh.

I am just a glimmer of reflection flashing for a moment
on the passing river
of genetic continuity.

But, forgive me if I feel a tinge of sadness,
amidst all this clarity,
because I’ve seen that my entire world lives lives within me
while I am.

I know that when I am gone
the world that lives within me – also goes…

Memories of walking the streets of Paris.

Reading the books of the great authors.

Remembering teen-aged wrestling and passion
in the back seats of cars.

And the tears when my son was born.

Everything I’ve learned and experienced of my world,
its history, its art, its aspirations and its cultures.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Acropolis and the
many layers of the Eternal City…
Will all cease for ‘this me’.

‘This me’ – risen from my mother’s breast,
risen into the excitements of childhood
and into all the passions of adulthood.

‘This me’ – risen now and waiting
in my later years
for all of existence to end.

To those whom I can still hear singing,
while I am still here,
I say, “Sing for your lives, my lovelies.”
For night draws near.

4 Apr 22

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