
      Maya forms illuminate me
      each outlined in essence
      each two sided, all the story,
      all as empty as I, wondering.

            What silence fills the space between things.
            I'm alone where the walls creak and breath
            and the light shines as in a photograph
            and nothing moves but me.

      Distractions await my escape.
      The radio, lovers, the phone, a visit,
      food, drink, grass, reading...
      the fridge talks.

            My Rose, alone, turns, imagining me with Diana,
            confronting her fears,
            passing the hell I've given her,
            and learning pain is not as bad as fear.

      While I alone, confront this empty room
      and wait to hold her
      when this time is passed.

                                 29 jun 75

         MAYA - From the Sanskrit 'maya' ("magic").  The term is
            used in Indian philosophy to refer to the world as
            an appearance, somehow different from the reality.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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