
So its goodbye, Helen … your requiem I write here.
that you were the brightest…
that you dazzled me more than anyone I’ve known…
these things I give you.
That you’ve pushed my borders out past
what I can expect to see again
ruined my expectations of future surprise.

Why you couldn’t support what you offered me, I’ve wondered.
is it too tenuous there…out near the edge of what we can be?
And am I so close to this edge of myself then;
I never saw anyone farther out than I, before I met you,
…and you fell

We’ve so few years to see so few people
and you took so many subtle hopes with you.
So, its goodbye then…I waited…I wrote,
I talked to your husband, my friends, our friends,
I talked to you.
But the months are hard on new love
and love separated lives on mostly on hope
and I’ve lost track of what it was I can hope from you.
You come and go, change, and are gone too much
the string’s gone too thin…
these things I give to you…

That I’m not happy we came here
to where the ascending star of future’s promise
has past to the smoldering memories of hopes dashed.

5 dec 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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