Archive for January, 1984

1984-01-05 Kathy M.

Thursday, January 5th, 1984

Kathy M.

Shall I write you Kathy…
water for a thirsty man… just beyond my reach
the potential for passion with you
presses thru the air between us

These months have brought no relief
for my fantasy and longing
conversations snatched between games
smiles that touched me to the quick

I feel the current between us
that only hands against skin
can release.

01 jan 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, January 5th, 1984

I read my poetry from ten years ago
and I wonder if I’m becoming a shell of myself
that which is consciousness shirking within
that which is physical.

I’m more wood than quicksilver
more container than content
The growing gone,
the coalescing begun.

The bursts of unbearable insight
given way to impassioned remembering.

5 jan 84
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, January 5th, 1984

My pen comes to paper and meets the virgin linen
thoughts like birds swirl and plunge
pulling up and away before this white expanse.

Corridors passed, things glimpsed…
this year is that, some tentative bird,
the year without women.

Freddie gives up grass and then liquor
for a year each time to flex his control
and I, I lay patient before my life’s unfolding
and find myself without them… the women.

5 Jan 84
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —