Archive for the ‘2021’ Category

2021-08-30 – The ripples

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

Every word that names and isolates a part of it is a lie.
And every statement that says it is all the same is a lie.
Language bends and creaks beneath the load.
It is not one, nor is it two.

The ancients explained this in words to those
who believed in words
knowing that they would hear but not understand.

You can experience the moving river of change
directly in this wordless moment.
But the not one-ness or not two-ness of it
slips through the fingers of a mind
hardwired for one or the other.

But even wordless, we can know directly
the now and then-ness of it
the here and there-ness of it
the big and small-ness of it.

These ripple the waters of it
as change and difference.

But even wordless, we can know directly
the simple and the complex-ness of it
the heat and the cold-ness of it
the soft and the hard-ness of it.

These ripple the waters of it
as change and difference.

30 August 2021

2021-09-25 – Enlightenment

Monday, September 27th, 2021

It’s hard to describe, when thought stops,
… until it begins again.

There’s a cloud of duality that fogs and covers it all
with the past and the future and my reflections.

While behind, it lies, inseparable and unsay-able;
the only moment; incarnate.

And only separate from it,
can I say its name.

In these many years,
the dream of duality has finally
worn thin
in spite of all the searching.


2021-09-26 – Talk with Paul

Monday, September 27th, 2021

We each construct our world view
as best we can.
Therefore, from our POV,
ours is the best way to see things.

But to export our world view, as the best one,
is a form of deep arrogance.

We should just state what we believe
and leave it there
to be accepted or rejected by others
on its own merits.

And not to argue for it
unless engaged to do so.

And not to further explain its ideas
unless asked to do so.
