
      I should close my eyes against my sight
        it brings me no truth, only questions.
      It brings me no answers,
        only choices.
      It brings me no closer to understanding
        only closer to naked reality
      as it is revealed
        by the loss of my innocences.
            Each of us is potentially Adam
              each of us can leave the garden
                 of our ignorance.
            Sometimes faith whispers to me now
              out of her shadowed dream gardens
                 only mine.
            But as yet I listen reluctantly,
              unable to see her.
      But I find nothing worth seeing
        in my material sight either
      nothing to quench the thirst of my spirit...
        thirst for more than my senses can admit.
      Nothing there to to convince me that there IS more
        but my looking and my love.
                              23 jun 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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