
Sometimes when I think of her it’s with love
and sometimes it’s with sadness.
I see another dreamer
fallen over the edge where dreamers go
when they feel their dreams slipping away

and I wonder what I can do for her, save give love
and even there I wonder
if its kindness or pain I bring.
That spirit she keeps so deeply hidden within her
craves love as the touchstone
in this world grown aged and dreamless
but I have only the form of love to give
not the substance
and in the end I may open her heart
just to leave it bleeding.

She smokes and drinks so casually now
pulling the bricks from the temple of her body.
It passes the time
and dulls
that dreamless clarity she hates so

my water sister, my lover,
what can I do for you?
Where you seek security
I have only this love by appointment
and where you crave deep purpose
I have only this poetry.

I can listen and share with you
but, in the end, I cannot replace
your dreams with mine
nor share the wellsprings
of joy in my life with you.

I understand well your feelings
but like a man on the other side of a glass wall,
I can do no more than press the barrier
that separates our true selves
and look with compassion and empathy
as you struggle with your life
and care very deeply
if you win or loose.


25 june 83 – about Kathleen A.


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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