1983-07-27 Awake




      Awareness; so easy to conceive, so hard to maintain
         and each time I let it slip I know
      sooner or later that I've lost it
         when I awake, adrift, again.


      No formula will do it, only doing it will.
         As the knife hones to the sharpening stone,
      so I must go into it ... ever into it
         leaving all thoughts of 'it' behind.


      Food, sleep, exercise, work, loving and seeing
         are but a few names of the places I've slept.
      Bhagwan, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and Mohammad
         are but a few names of those
            who have called us to awake.


      Here I write to make tangible the meditation
         but this paper and ink are not it.
      Here I am awake and want to stay so
         a baby Buddha crawling towards the light.




                           27 july 83 - Irvine, CA





— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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