Kathy M. III
Come around again, heart in flames
going down again, before brown eyes.
empty response…you leave me no less
I risked, open and knowing,
and I cannot loose, doing this
I walked with elated anticipation and warmth
into her response
and the emptiness it gave me
Her compassion and friendship exchanged
for my passion
her reason and values arrayed
against my poetry
her brown eyes and warm skin
now so unreachable
In the warm and dappled sunlight
she told me how it was
life, press me as you will
my skin and my feelings and my heart
will stay open
I won’t turn away from you
or what you pass before me
These hands, this heart…
they will feel
I love, I hurt, I live
and I am real and I will be no less.
30 jan 84
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —