
               Like a tear in the sky
               that lets heaven come shining through
               I opened up today
               and nothing could hide the flame I felt.

               Deep joy burning my heart down.
               I went for a run, music in my ears,
               God's creation in my eyes
               and a deep feeling filling me
               that I was tapped into something deeper
               than the everyday shows.

               Sometimes, like a lens, I just come focused.
               Like a crystal, when the light comes on through,
               I am for a moment showered with grace and clarity.
               Full of the conjunction of my will
               and my life and God's purpose.

               As if all the warm hands of love and meaning
               have come at once to press me
               and I to feel through them
               the fabric of life.

                                       10 Mar 86

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

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