Archive for 1987


Tuesday, January 6th, 1987
            Sparks of love in a material world,
            spirits of light in rivers of change.
            I love you, and you love me;
            hands across a changing sea.
            Sunlight, shafts of gray and blue,
            it's love in our eyes that I can see
            but what do I mean, do I mean, to you?
            I've got dreams and so do you.
            God must have put us here to find
            how our dreams can love the rain.
            Dreams and love, love can bring us pain.
            Love brings us around and around again
            to where we face the light in pain
            to where we find our spirit's name.
            I love you and I just don't care
            I'll follow love and dreams anywhere
            for time is a raging running tide
            washing us away inside our lives.
            I will love you, damn the rain.
            I will love my dreams and damn the pain.
            Love is a shining light to be
            but God never said that love came for free.
                                    2-6 Jan 87

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, February 10th, 1987

People just 'making' things to validate themselves...
   dancing to give expression to technique,
      making funny faces in the mirrors which reflect us,
         as if art was technique and fad was prediction.

When you begin to close your hands on her waist, then you know.
   When you fingers press and feel her give of warmth and nakedness
      and you begin to smell her hair....

She is not marble or manikin nor is she abstraction or posed.
   Your hands tell you she is real and your feelings sing of it.

And what you feel fills and emptys you like the wheat-fields and the seasons.
   This is the music of mortality and the whisper of infinite mystery.

Let them paint their rocks, dance their techniques and worship idols,
   I will drink at this fount.

10 Feb 1987

— Copyright 1965-2010 by Dennis Gallagher —

1987-02-14 Snap Shots

Saturday, February 14th, 1987

Years ago, I remember driving across the Arizona desert
   and seeing four or five people wearing white sack-cloth
      and walking in the hot sun on the side of the road.

I passed them but turned around and went back driven by curiosity.

They said they were just walking and praying and letting Jesus provide for them
   in every moment ... in every step in the hot sun.

And again in Yosemite in 1972, there was a blond girl from Berkeley
   doing summer service for the National Parks System.
I can see her eyes, her idealism, her uniform....

Moments.   People making a statement in person or on paper.
Flash!  Indelible moments - a deep impression of power and synchronicity.

The book Open Marriage,
   the ideals of the 1960's,
      the beauty of Krishnamurti.

Like pictures cast, solid and whole, onto the waters of time
   they move and shimmer as the river moves
      and finally they dissolve and disappear.

We each, arising from the womb and marching to the grave,
   are a sequences of images strobing against time.
The material side of what we are here for
   is so insignificant.

I remember a bum in Seattle who begged some money from me;
   and all the time his eyes were laughing at my perceptions.

3-14 Feb 1987

— Copyright 1965-2010 by Dennis Gallagher —