Archive for 2019


Friday, March 22nd, 2019

The message behind the words
is the voice of the heart.

~ Rumi

2019-03-30 – Quantum brain stuff

Saturday, March 30th, 2019

If the rate of energy dispersal
is the ultimate driver of why
complexity builds in the midst
of an existence driven by
The Second Law of Thermodynamics,
then it may go some way towards
explaining why the process of
Photosynthesis has been demonstrated
to exhibit quantum effects.

If the quantum-aided solution
provides Photosynthesis with better
energy degradation,
then it would be preferred by nature
over the non-quantum solution.

This notion should be generalizable
and be applicable to how the brain
integrates information in Tononi’s
“Integrated Information Theory
of Consciousness”.


— Copyright 1965-2019 by Dennis Gallagher —

2019-05-07 – The Match

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

The Match

The early dusk sky was still ablaze
with the glowing embers of the dying day.
I saw you hunched over the burning funeral ghats,
inhaling the smoky perfume of charred flesh and bone
like a macabre dope fiend, then go drunkenly staggering
through the sewer-lined streets of the night-time town,
brazenly juggling flaming batons of birth and death
like some crazy carnival clown on a grisly spree.

Look, in the temples and shrine rooms your devotees
are offering gilded gifts at the makeshift altars of their
superstitious fantasies, but I can see you, Devi, and I
know that you’re only doing your job, so no praise
or blame will escape my lips, just get on with it:
this world is dry tinder, you wield the match.

Bob O’Hearn