Archive for 2022


Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Turn the jewel
and see it all at once.
This instant; moving, still,
and endless.

Both creator and created
all of it, here and there,
now and then,

This moment,
pregnant with itself,
intentions and manifestations,
all one.

Being the endless now
and seeing
time and space,
all one.

Even acceptance fades
before the truth
when the last
separation ends.

The immanent manifest,
is-ness welling,
the joy of being,

29 Aug 22

2022-09-19 – High Wickham

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

Sometimes, life just makes me cry.

I don’t think it all means anything.

I don’t believe I mean anything,
but it all just makes me feel it.

The pathos, the joy, the sadness
and the love.

If I just look for a moment,
I tear up and the urge to cry rises.

And then I consider my mortality,
and I feel nothing.

It is all confusing.

Sep 19, 2022
High Wickham, UK

2022-10-18 – First day

Sunday, November 6th, 2022

With these touches
we try to build
an edifice and a structure.

A frame
for our moments
and our memories.

But it all withers away
before the constant winds
of change.

Who are you,
were you?

A momentary configuration
in the ever shifting sands
of the implacable.

Are you the river stepped in,
or the passing form that stepped
into the river for a moment?

In the ever erasing
and renewing of existence,
we are lost.

– on our return from Europe