Archive for the ‘Catalyst2’ Category

2021-11-14 – Detachments

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Letting go of Ego and personhood
reveals a country beyond.
But it is hard to see;
before you make the journey.

These words and logic that we employ,
help us organize and communicate
our perceptions of the world.

But, like a mirror,
they also prevent us from seeing
what is beyond and behind our reflections.

The round stuff of our perceptions
we jam into the square shapes
of our words
regardless of whether
they fit or not.

But there is a country beyond all this.

all one,
except through our illusions.

And just as water finds it way,
all of this spins
around the drain
of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Order arising as a secondary effect
of the dissipation of energy
and we
but brief glimmers of awareness
in the backwash.


2021-11-19 – These leaves

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

Lives, spent like leaves ripped from the trees.

I stop, and look into this vision, and I am impaled upon it.

This world; so vastly beyond my ability to understand.

We cry and we love and we cherish our children
and we are swept by the passions of this moment;
which become so irrelevant on the next turn.

And still the leaves spill from the trees
and the history books are full of how little
all the things we cared about mattered.


-after reading Souief’s, “The Map of Love”

2021-11-19 – The Rest

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

Here, where the light settles in the evening
and our thoughts come to rest,
here is the only place of peace;
except through the door into death.

For we still are, we still remain,
even if we cease our efforts at being.

And, if we are fortunate enough to
not have action and reaction forced upon us.

And, if we are smart enough
to let them go of our own free-will.

And, if we are wise enough
to welcome the next moment like a lover
and to put the past and the future away
in favor of this wordless revelation
of the only truth.

Then we can find rest.

19Nov 21