Archive for the ‘Catalyst2’ Category

2024-01-22 – Sun seeds

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

When we were young,
the sun seeds in the eyes
of our children,
shown in our eyes.

And with every conversation
and with each movement
with a potential partner
entire futures arose and retreated
in and out
of the world of possibilities.

We were sheer potential,
at just the beginning
of a long life.

And now,
that the years have passed,
those potentials have manifested.
And we are the products of all
the decisions we made.

And it all turns in a circle.

And regardless
of where you are in that circle,
you can only know
what lies behind you.


2024-09-22 – What moves around us

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

If you slow your steps,
you can hear the wind
that deals the cards,
with more clarity.

You turn now, empty,
and listen to that
which moves around us
in every moment.

Time and Death
are both there
utterly unaware that we
are caught in their nets.

We move, engaged,
to escape the silences,
while they whisper,
just behind our evasions.

But, in that silence
lies our dance with fate;
its knife-edge of revelation
inescapable and relentless.
