Archive for the ‘Catalyst2’ Category

2014-09-14 – The Silver Birch

Sunday, September 14th, 2014
Light and shadow ... moving time,
life here - bursting from inanimate matter.

A small pool or mirror, I.

Colette told me that the buds on her White Birch tree
were just coming out
when she went in to have her first child.

And that, when she returned some days later,
with a new life in her arms,
the buds had turned to flowers.

And every year since, she and this tree have communed
in the memory of that day.

Such stories run in the literature I've read
and through the memories in my mind.

Stories of people whose entire lives were written 
within the seasons of the land they lived on.

Their lives rising and falling, rising and falling
through the eternal sunrises and sunsets
that swept across the fields they tended.

There were children born there
that played beneath those trees.

And they arose, lived and then became 
just the memories 
of those who live there now.
Now, amid the relentless turning 
of these endless years.

Our faces are growing older 
and fading in the mirrors now
as we witness all of this
again and again.

I grow more like a reflecting pool 
and less like a believer
as I look at all of those I love in this life
transiting through this life
and I see them, and I see all of us, 
as just passing through this place
like curtains in the wind.

Just living pools, reflecting ...
and mirrors of awareness, hoping ...

We are those, who realize, 
only towards the end of at all, if at all,
that we are the transient ones
on this stage of mystery.


— Copyright 1965-2014 by Dennis Gallagher —

2015-10-03 – Even This….

Sunday, October 4th, 2015
The Camera pans across a barren beach scape
   a place seen in a moment of time. 
A wind moves empty through the scene
  and  tuffs of grass stir amid the tableau of land and sea
      that never seems to change.

Dead friends walk there amid the multitudes
   that have come and gone.
Their names transient; like the stirring grass
   beneath the moving bowl of a never ending sky.

Truly, we are not here - we only imagine we are.

And the more one is here, the less one is,
   until the edges of your beginnings and endings
begin to blur like the impossibility
   of separating one unchanging day from the next.

Quiet descends on the dead 
   and they go we know not where.
And, in our deep meditations we pursue them;
   rivers circling between the sea and the sky.

The turning of life's wheel is mostly about
   the enduring, mutating and evolving patterns of DNA
and so very little about the names and dreams
   of the momentary instantiations that we are.

And yet we are here 
   with our names and thoughts
and yet we are here 
   with our philosophies and our meanings.

We watch the sand and the dust of each other
   blow away in time's erosion
and yet even this,
   even this can be embraced.

03 October 2015
Christchurch, New Zealand

— Copyright 1965-2015 by Dennis Gallagher —

2017-08-26 – Red China Blues

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
We are as cheap as the pigs bound for slaughter,
   in those corners of the world
      where we are just objects to others.

Everything you might think important;
   how many times has it all been swept away
      down the long road of your many lives?

I can see the execution yard,
   the concrete and the stains,
and I can see the men who fire the rounds
   waiting for their shift to end
so they can seek their evening meal
   and the warmth of their woman.

Enormous uncaring forces move around us
   and we can only hope they will not gaze upon us.

Our dreams and our children survive
   only by the simple good fortune
of where we were born;
   far from the fires of hell
that move through the forests
   of some of our lives.

Every minute I breath free and unharmed
   is a gift - in a world such as this.

You know, in China, the family of the executed
   must pay for the cost of the bullet.
But here, safe, I only have to read the book
   that tells the story.

Christchurch, New Zealand
- after reading Red China Blues by Jan Wong

— Copyright 1965-2017 by Dennis Gallagher —