Archive for the ‘Do Review’ Category

2022-09-19 – High Wickham

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

Sometimes, life just makes me cry.

I don’t think it all means anything.

I don’t believe I mean anything,
but it all just makes me feel it.

The pathos, the joy, the sadness
and the love.

If I just look for a moment,
I tear up and the urge to cry rises.

And then I consider my mortality,
and I feel nothing.

It is all confusing.

Sep 19, 2022
High Wickham, UK

2022-11-12 – The Self

Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Awareness engages in Subject-Object relationships. I.e. awareness and what the awareness is regarding. I.e., Duality.

When awareness regards itself, this pattern is broken.

The break is automatically repaired because a sense of self arises to provide an object.

But self is not innate.

And a self-awareness that realizes this and discards self, experiences a subjective non-duality directly.

1987-06-21 – Leningrad

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

The Leningrad siege, 1941 to 1944, 900 days.

How green grows the grass and how softly wave the trees.
here, under these gray Leningrad skies.

The winter and summer sun, smiling,
the seasons turned,
and all the agony man can give himself
came to pass here.

The breeze tugs at me,
dim faces … and memories of families gone.

The grass grows so green
and people walk here through the memories of death.

They bring a child and they touch his soft cheek,
and they hold his small hand and they cherish his eyes.

Here, against these stones and these mass graves,
how could it be?

Wind, death, sun and child all here.
Mankind is surely asleep.

21 Jun 87
“At the burial ground
of the victims of the siege”