Archive for the ‘Others’ Category


Sunday, September 17th, 1978
            This love is so new ---
            on a rose, a drop of dew
            that needs protection
            from scrutinization
            This love makes me spin.
            That line is so thin
            that I'm walking
            I feel like balling.
            This love is so strong ---
            who knows if it will last long?
            I can't shut out the past,
            but I ask:  can it last?
            This love brought on a new light,
            so strong I stay up the night ---
            wondering if it fits me,
            knowing I want and need thee.
            You question as vehemently as I.
            Your questions raise me high.
            And I dash me down ---
            am I but a clown?
            Please give me time, my love,
            nothing else to think of ---
            it may be a fantasy of mine,
            but I hope to make it reality in line.
                              Helen O'flarity
                              september 17, 78
                              written at my apartment

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, October 29th, 1978
                     When you're new at this
                     Telling sane from insane
                     The older ones light
                     and feast on the
                     Please tell me
                     WHERE I am and
                     HOW DO I STAND
                     on this whirling
                     stage I'm on.
                     Dr. Who didn't have
                     THE ANSWER
                     Do you?.
                              Helen O'flarety
                              Oct 29, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-11-13 To Dennis Gallagher

Monday, November 13th, 1978
                        To Dennis Gallagher
                  "Is he really gone?", she asked,
                  wondering if that was really the
                  "No, I'm here.", he said,
                  though he knew he was elsewhere.
                  "I can't find you!"
                  She was getting worried and upset.
                  But she held onto herself.
                  "Where did you go?", she asked,
                  knowing she wouldn't like the
                  "Nowhere.", he said,
                  thinking a lie would cover up.
                  "I don't believe you!"
                  she went away knowing that
                  was the best and only move.
                  She didn't know, but it didn't
                  She still cared and loved.
                  He lied, but it didn't make a
                  He still loved and cared.
                              Helen O'flarerty
                              Nov 13, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —