Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

1977-02-14 My funny valentine

Monday, February 14th, 1977

                    My funny valentine

         Endless days here in the haze
         looking out upon the gray
         and I can feel the strings that bind me
         beginning to slip away.

         Ah, I never thought I'd come to this
         watching my life trickle down...
         to here where my choices led me
         buying to chase the blues away.

         Corporate dreams, are now coming to me
         and I see how their webs can grow.
         Tying me down to possessions
         for what, I want to know?

         I've got a woman as true as they come
         and a son who needs my love
         but I've got dreams still raging in me
         that all their need can't stand.

                              14 Feb 77

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, November 15th, 1978

My family’s wound envelopes me.
I feel Danny’s need … as I remember my own years …
in lucid moments between the running days I remember him
and wonder how I can feel so strongly
and do so little for love.

Everyone seems to live simpler lives than I
rootless man living off many lives
and not having one of my own to share or claim

I wait for history’s wheels to spew me out
frantically waiting on Godot and wisdom to find me…
… spoiled child … karmic wastrel

Five minutes with Rose on the phone in anger
and my family’s wound envelopes me….

15 nov 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, February 10th, 1980
        Of all the stars I wonder which
      one I like the most...
        and then I realize I can like
      them all...
            Daniel Gallagher

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —