Archive for the ‘People’ Category


Thursday, July 24th, 1975
         I give myself away for ego trips
           but I do nothing for those I love.
         We haven't worked together on anything
           for a long time....
         Poetry, spice racks, camping, saving,
           none of it's gotten done.
         She gives as much of herself as she can
           and still stand alone
         and I give as little of my self as I can
           and still keep her....
         Why have I come this way?
           Why am I throwing all my love away?
         Ignorant to the end, fighting my fears
           I rage, unable to stem
              my fantasies or my tears.
                                 24 jul 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, July 28th, 1975
            What emptiness fill me each time at the thought
              that she could share with another
                 that which she and I sought.
            That there are places and times
              not mine to receive
            these I find like holes in my thoughts
              when I leave her.
            The karmic whip betrays at every step
              my treasured fantasies all played quite inept
            I can expect nothing from her
              but what I expect from myself
            and I find that love and trust
              were my only true wealth.
                                    28 july 75
            - about Rose

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-08-18 Denise Downs

Monday, August 18th, 1975
                             Denise Downs
         I'm in love with this life, though I don't understand it much.
         Eyes as clear as mine look back sometimes
         from another universe quite outside my own...
            Denise flys on impluse and lands on friends between hops
            and tells me its as simple as it seems
            with eyes that hide no lies.
         She's there, and she's not
            and I don't really know why
            but I love to watch her eyes and to see her fly
            She's crazy and she knows it
            and she smiles all the time
            'No sense', she says, 'in trying to act straight,
            when you're far beyond the line.'
                                          18 aug 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —