Archive for the ‘Christchurch’ Category

2021-09-25 – Enlightenment

Monday, September 27th, 2021

It’s hard to describe, when thought stops,
… until it begins again.

There’s a cloud of duality that fogs and covers it all
with the past and the future and my reflections.

While behind, it lies, inseparable and unsay-able;
the only moment; incarnate.

And only separate from it,
can I say its name.

In these many years,
the dream of duality has finally
worn thin
in spite of all the searching.


2021-09-26 – Talk with Paul

Monday, September 27th, 2021

We each construct our world view
as best we can.
Therefore, from our POV,
ours is the best way to see things.

But to export our world view, as the best one,
is a form of deep arrogance.

We should just state what we believe
and leave it there
to be accepted or rejected by others
on its own merits.

And not to argue for it
unless engaged to do so.

And not to further explain its ideas
unless asked to do so.


2021-11-14 – Detachments

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Letting go of Ego and personhood
reveals a country beyond.
But it is hard to see;
before you make the journey.

These words and logic that we employ,
help us organize and communicate
our perceptions of the world.

But, like a mirror,
they also prevent us from seeing
what is beyond and behind our reflections.

The round stuff of our perceptions
we jam into the square shapes
of our words
regardless of whether
they fit or not.

But there is a country beyond all this.

all one,
except through our illusions.

And just as water finds it way,
all of this spins
around the drain
of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Order arising as a secondary effect
of the dissipation of energy
and we
but brief glimmers of awareness
in the backwash.
