Archive for the ‘Irvine’ Category


Wednesday, July 25th, 1984

Gerda and the book, 2150 A.D., taught me something
about sexual union
and spiritual compatibility…
it’s true.

We do have soul mates, brother and sister spirits.

Come and wash me in your peace, sister
and sooth the ache that waits forever
to be whole.

Eyes to eyes … skin to skin …
these, these cannot begin to express
how much we are kin.

25 july 84

about Gerda O.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-07-25 For Gerda

Wednesday, July 25th, 1984


                  For Gerda


      We walk by ...we touch ...we speak
        rivers form and merge, divide and entwine
        deep waters running
      like music with no beginning ...and no end.


      We are one thing ...and we are two, at once
        my sister, my lover, my mother, my friend
        we drink and the cup ...the cup never empties
      until we sleep.


      We talk and laugh ...and we cherish the ground
        like children who have found a magic place
        everything under our hands and eyes
      becoming God us ...complete.


                           25 july 84



— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, July 27th, 1984

To be profoundly accepting
one has to be profoundly convinced
that acceptance is the better way.

And to gain such a deep conviction
one must try acceptance
in small increments for some time.

For to believe too soon
is an act of blind faith
and to wait for proof before beginning
is an act of logical folly.

Material learnings come to us
as increments and semesters,
so spiritual learnings have their
arithmetic, algebras and calculi too.

The faith to begin for a goal undefined
is a faith in both God and reason both.


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —