There she sits…with a son signed up for Christ— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
and husband lost in mystic irrelevance
and another son still growing,
God knows what he’ll become.
She’s from the simple small town people
and she just wants to draw a circle around us
with the family gathered inside
full of babies and love and our years together.
It must seem like its all unraveling to her sometimes
that those she loves don’t find her dreams enough,
aching wait… “Will they all leave me?
Can what I believe in be so unimportant to them…?”
Tiring through the years, her passions run shallower now
her ex-husband no longer some magic against the future
but just a long swell of disappointment
a wave that passed into a slowly ebbing dream…
a slowly ebbing dream …
and her son, her son reborn in Jesus,
her baby, at fourteen.
29 jul 84
Archive for the ‘Irvine’ Category
Sunday, July 29th, 19841984-08-22
Wednesday, August 22nd, 1984There’s nothing— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
we can do about the nature of change
and yet
we still don’t like the negative
I used to get my confidence
thru big rewards
No more good than pasting feathers
on an egg to make a bird
will it do you to imitate
Sometimes we are a little afraid
we’re going to let life pass us by
in bars
22 aug 84
Irvine … smoking
Wednesday, August 22nd, 1984Consciousness is an energy field in the mind— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
a certain amount of this field must be present
for consciousness to be self-sustaining
at less than this threshold the field
cannot maintain its cohesivety and fragments
thru the day the wake sleep cycle influence
the relative level of random firing
think of minute electrical fields sparking across the mind
the more of these small fields which activate per unit time
the more they tend to interpenetrate each other
until consciousness attains critical self sustaining mass
and can be aware of itself and will itself to continue
in sleep we’ve relinquished the self sustaining will
and the random firing levels drop below
that threshold at which we could maintain
consciousness we wanted to thereafter
drifting fragments of the disorganized field wax and wane
thru our mind like embers in the breeze
giving us small momentary partial awarenesses in sleep
and as these field fragments drift
like curtains thru the neon…
thru our memories and associative links… we dream.
22 aug 84
smoking that stuff…