Archive for the ‘Irvine’ Category


Saturday, December 8th, 1984

Through these walls of mirrors
and voices talking on every channel
stories both long and short
and men of every degree of integrity.

Through this the word and the will of God
must find us here.

The spirit lives within us
and to listen to it, become it,
you must listen within.

To follow that one note ever inward,
to avoid the traps of all those
who think knowledge can come
from without.

Only utter integrity can win through
the utter chaos of this world
and all that is non-spirit.

8 dec 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Saturday, December 8th, 1984

So much of man’s stumbling with religion
is a result of his desire to understand.

He understands algebraically
when finer perceptions reveal
the continuities of Calculus.

The trinity … an attempt to nail down
glimpses of a single phenomenon.

08 dec 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Saturday, December 8th, 1984

The spirit grasps whole
when the mind ceases the analytic process.

The words drum like rain
against the meditative man,
He communes with thunder and rain.

Only the mind could mistake the drops
as God’s storm.

8 dec 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —