Archive for the ‘Irvine’ Category


Tuesday, March 26th, 1985
         Got lines crossing
           got faces and places walking
              through my future
         Got fate about to give birth
           in a node point closure
         And I ... I raise my hands
           and feel the tension
         as potentials and my futures
              here, midway.
                              26 mar 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, March 28th, 1985
            Rich beyond all measure
            we stand blind in the midst.
            The light of God shines through us
            and around us in every form
            and we go aching
            from mood to mood
            and place to place
            in search of His peace and joy.
            He must smile with compassion
            at children such as we
            who, in the wheat fields of His love,
            cannot find the harvest
            nor simply love the sun.
                              28 March 1985
            after yet another listening of Gibran's, The Prophet.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, April 21st, 1985
         I've seen this sincerity before.
           In Rajneeshism, in EST,
         in anyplace where people are seeking
           as if faith and sincerity
              were the only key.
         There's beauty there, honesty and compassion
           and in their hearts there's the warmth
         of being sure and right.
         Asian faces, Hindus, Christians, Moslems,
           Allah, Jesus, Krishna,
         temples, mosques, cathedrals,
           songs, tithes, offerings, ... and feelings.
         But, can it be so easy?
           Can one be right and another wrong?
         Can one feel their sincerity is genuine
           and, at the same moment, disbelieve another's?
         We are all children in this world
           so full of half truths and glimpses of God's patterns
         and ready to believe we have the whole truth
           the moment we find those who will agree.
         Ready to reject the others
           and feel that God has given US alone the truth
         when, in fact, we have stopped far short of the truth
           which must embrace us all
              as the children of God.
                                    21 April 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —