I just want new words to say how I feel about you. Lise 11 Nov 85
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
I just want new words to say how I feel about you. Lise 11 Nov 85
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
That I had opened to Lise means the hand of Fate can move there.| This dark eyed woman who captures me so; I want to look deep into the mystery of it for life is made more of this, the spaces between men and women, than of anything else. In the darkness there I will find everything I've wanted to learn. Just as I've found the warmth of her heart and the musk of her inner thigh so can I find more by accepting everything Fate offers through her. Come, dark eyes, come and burn me down again. Come, with your mystery and your love, with your mother's heart and your lover's passion. Come with love ascending ... or departing. Love me or hurt me, cherish me or scorn me. Today Fate's hand moves through you and I will listen to It through this love, yours and mine, until I can rise to the dance no more. gallagher 20 Nov 85
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
November 26.1985 11.am Feelings cleared. Still confusion but I like it better. Anger; anger at myself; Dennis; Anthony. Back and forth, back and forth. Understanding better. The bottom line is not my love for Dennis but my lack of trust in his love. He said he loved me so much, he said he was in love, he talked about the future in terms of 'arrangements'. How was I to know? I have read his poems, all of them over and over again. The ones about women talk about love, passion, being in love; how was I to know it was this way, how was I to know I wasn't also passing through? He said and I read (about) how much he loved Kim; how when he left for Canada, in spite of all the love he had for her, he found other women, but then came back and wanted to start again with her. Was it going to be this way with me? Is that what I want? You said you loved me without reservations, but for my children. I know one day I will have them again. How the hell would you deal with that? How long would your love last? From a man who said if he had to raise his own precious little boy, "he guesses" it would be OK, he guesses he could make it; he would manage! And how about all the months you slept with your wife? Not that long ago you were still trying to have a child with her. And you were in love with me? I gave it all to you, love, passion and me. Who is the flake? The man with the wife, the man I was always expecting to be meeting someone else, the one who has been leaving for over a year now, the man --- - never finished - Lise 26 Nov 85
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —