Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category

1973-11-26 Rons week and Rons wedding

Monday, November 26th, 1973

                  Ron's week and Ron's wedding

         There was an identity of the weekend
         which, like identity's twirl,
         left me wondering at the conjunction
         of people and ideas.

         As if the fabric,
         which showing whole for the moment,
         must recede into time and vanish
         as all the parts.

                           26 November 1973
                           on LSD

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1973-11-26 Mellower Men

Monday, November 26th, 1973
                        Mellower Men
         Mellower men we're becoming
         my brothers and I.
         Men now closer to thirty than twenty
         and just coming to know it.
         Now we exchange kindness
         without seeming foolish
         and reminiscing mostly
         we talk in the past tense
         as if to somehow
         retard time's passage.
         But, really, we're sharing the experience
         of knowing we're older
         and a good deal tamer
         than back when kindness
         was weakness and mellower men
         were old.
         And old was
         somehow irrelavant to us.
                        26 November 1973

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, November 27th, 1973
         What fire burns me that
            I can't quench the flame?
         Would, that I could, seek the cause
            but passion's flames rage too high
         near that center of my thought
            and drive me spinning dizzy from them
               again and again.
         In this cycle of trying and wanting
            spritualism, materialism, realism, humanism,
         relative, absolute, unity, becoming
            are each some truth but no answer
               each is a way, all a paradox.
                              27 November 1973

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —