Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category

1975-03-10 Transfer High

Monday, March 10th, 1975
                             Transfer High

            I hear the wind
              where others only see the leaves fall
            and I am, in some way
              the leaves and the wind
                 though I lack the difference
                    between them....

            I am some ever present sum
              at once complete and yet growing
            and as I become the leaves and the wind
              so they become me.

            I am the pattern, more and more
              focused on itself, learning its way,
            I am causality climbing itself
              looking for second sight,
            evolution about to
              find the mirror.

                              10 mar 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-03-12 For the nurses

Wednesday, March 12th, 1975
                       For the nurses

            Such cynicism scares me
              for the more cynicism grows on you
                 the less chance you have to meet someone
                    sensitive enough to love you as you'd wish.
                 because the sensitive ones can't bear the mistrust
                    and the ones who can...
                       bear nothing but lust.

                                       12 mar 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, March 17th, 1975
                 Doubt stalks me
            and the patterns breaking up around me
              seem so much more real
                 than the dispassion with which
              I began this.

                      My words to my mother haunt me
                 and I wonder if I'm chasing a T.V. dream
                   like so many of my brothers
                      and Rose loves me,
                   even in this.

                                 17 mar 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —