Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category

1975-04-01 Remember

Tuesday, April 1st, 1975

               I must strive at every moment
               to do as I would have her do.

               And remember to think
               what I would think
               if it were all reversed.

               For only if I can
               love her acts as my own,
               will I learn to love
               for love alone,
               will I be patient
               when she would not see me.

               For only by her freedom, freed
               will she choose to love me
               just for her need.

                              1 apr 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, April 9th, 1975
                  You are what you think, I think,
                    and I wonder why...
                  I'm left waiting
                    so afraid to try.

                                 9 apr 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, April 10th, 1975
         Emptiness walks within me where she was
           and the days have become like months.

         Last night I went to her for rest
           but I lay open beside her to no avail.

         Something's gone, and I'm not sure what...
           some of it is my dominance of her,
         and some of it is the loss
           of my certainty of her regard,
         and some of it is my choice
           to avoid such rest stops,
         and some is my emotions
           blocking my vision of what it was
              that brought me here.

         It all will pass with time,
           says my reason,
              screams my mind....

                              10 apr 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —