Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Saturday, November 5th, 1977
           Saturday morning...rain coming down
            what do I feel here
            inevitable hurt mixed with centeredness?

            Rose grows and I'm hurt
            but why...Suzanne and Lee and Helen's lives
            all press mine.

            The rain loves me no matter what...
            page days turning me;
            lover, friend, husband, loser, and winner.

                              5 Nov 1977

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, November 6th, 1977

            Conjunction, for weeks growing
            and I could suddenly scream from the press of it
            washed clean of all I called mundane
            pilgrim to a madness I cannot name
            I'm here and growing
            wash me life, with your joy and pain
            and leave me stumbling, dumb,
            if you must, once again.

                                 6 Nov 77

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1977-11-12 To the tune of

Saturday, November 12th, 1977
                                            To the tune of
                                            Stevie Wonder's

                       On ending

         Its ending now, the story of those years,
         the love we shared, the laughter and the tears.
         I feel it down inside me, the rising of my fears,
         I've got to make a stand now, against my heart and tears.

         So easily said, but when my sanities undressed
         and all my insides crying out for her caress
         then all the hours of the evening come to press
         then, the telephone won't ring or ever give me rest.

         I'm torn...I'm torn upon her love
         my heart lies open and I cannot stem the flow
         I've got to make a stand against my heart and go.
         I've got to learn to live without the loving glow
         of her mind and her time, ...I've got to go.

                                 12 Nov 77

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —