30 mar 78— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Sudden end of love
she found us mingled in the aftermath of passion
and it nearly killed us all
broken glass, broken bed, broken heart
when they left
and left me to clean up
The moment’s past and I could feel a node
had gone down
history resettled, fortunes changed
and all of who I was altered
tomorrow’s an unknown again
Rose likely will not speak to me again
Kathy left our initial encounter amid flying glass
and Kim called and departed, unfulfilled
and, for me, tomorrow waits
to see what they’ll all make of this
No help in the morning, my loans are called in
and some months will be needed to heal us all
if anything can.
30 mar 78
Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category
1978-03-30 30 mar 78
Thursday, March 30th, 19781978-04-04
Tuesday, April 4th, 1978My feelings walk inside me like a man with a hammer— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
The year of thirty must be by far the strangest one yet
Joe’s gone, his room says over his leavings,
and Rose and the house are harder to bear each day.
Soon the last shreds of her love will be torn
and the last of my security flown away
Its an ache to be there and yet I’ll probably always return
for Danny
I dreamed Bob the night before I met him
and when he arrived I felt prophesy on my shoulder.
And, tonight, when Rose told me
he wasn’t going to San Francisco
and that he’d been asking her out behind Nona’s back,
my dream came to reality.
“I’m seeing Rory”, she said, and I smiled…
I like Rory and he can’t make me insecure
Sorting photographs … cleaning the garage
talking, with control, to Bob and Nona,
eating Rose’s chicken and feeling this hammer.
I’m going to be alone again soon as I’ve not been
in a long long time
and on none of my fantasy girls can I rest
until this hammer has spent itself
I pray thee, thirty, move on.
04 apr 78
Wednesday, April 5th, 1978Living crazier day by day— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
sometimes I wonder if I’ll be swept away
could my fortunes drop me off some edge
I feel the wind sometimes from that precipice
Its not a plan, I’m just staggering now
riding the crest of a good job
and my health
and knowing it for luck and youth
thinking I’ll get used to living alone
and writing poems like these
Rose would have me still
but I can’t find it in me
to give up this quest…
I want to squeeze life
until it reveals why it drives me so
and I’m not sure what I’m after
my youth’s passions will fade
and my lovers eyes will jade
our bodies grow old
and our careers peak
will this questing flame be so strong later
when love’s far behind me
and these illusions fallen away
I clutch it to me
perhaps just a small mirror of my ego
and I gamble everything away
day by day
apr 5, 78