Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Friday, April 14th, 1978

The morning light came shining in when she arrived

in a white dress she came to breakfast
into a room so filled with light
that the moments felt like music
and the feelings were so clear and bright

she posed before the window
and I caressed her face with light
and shuttered the finer moments
and we smiled at the camera’s plight

these crystal and fire moments
the way the apartment glowed with light
the looks her brown eyes gave me
and the word her smooth hands said

its strange that I’ve come here again
to where love could knock me down
but I don’t care, I just love life
and, for the moment, I can see nothing

but eyes so brown.

14 apr 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Saturday, April 15th, 1978

I can feel myself, I’ve grown beyond our love now.
I’m taller by far than I used to be
the world and all its fears no longer scares me
and I can feel myself running free

I’m no longer bound by love to be a leaner
I make my way by knowing need’s a bore
she wishes after what she’d like to have now
but my need is gone and she can’t hold me anymore

with patient hours I try to reconcile
the pain her need is causing more and more
I say I’d like to see her if it feels good
but her pain is driving her harder than before

then I think I don’t need to really see her
when all she wants is to have me as before
and our hours are filled with such painful struggle
that I wonder what I need the hassle for

I’m free and she can’t seem to understand it
I love her still but now its something more
she like to own me outright but she cannot
my love is mine to give, so unlike before…


15 april 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, April 19th, 1978

               Who could need words with Helen
               skin to skin ... smile to smile
               east to west ... we, wordlessly
               pleased and pleasing
                  underneath our cultures
                     its all the same

               touches and smiles need no names.


                              04-19-78 - helen k.

                              long beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —