Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category

1978-04-30 For Danny

Sunday, April 30th, 1978

For Danny

Your Mother is a good woman
but her dreams were never the same as mine
and sometime, before you, before I knew why,
in the Washington wheat fields
our lives became involved and our hearts
began their play.

I didn’t know how it could be then
that you need to share more
than just love and gutsy togetherness
and so it began, and you came our way
the sweet product of all our love and youth
what more can I say? let truth lead the way…

Your Mother loved me and I loved her
but our youth began to slip and fray
and our dreams started to get in the way
beneath the wheat field love and her simple ways
but her dreams were far different from mine
and I can’t live in her settled way
youth isn’t the only time for dreams
and I’ll never come down to where
love isn’t all that I pray

I know you’ve got to wonder
how your young life can be so torn
and the tears come to my eyes to think how
your young soul is so bruised
by all the pain between your mother and I

I hope you see what it means to you
to find the right woman, boy.
For all the love you mother and I shared,
was never worth all the time we spent
and all the pain it took
when our dreams began to get in the way

Drink women like fine wine, boy…
they’ve each got something beautiful inside
but remember your dreams, whatever they may be,
and find a woman whose eyes shine
when you share your deepest dreams with her.

30 april 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, April 30th, 1978

These days are passing now
wine and dreams…
Kathy and her life and mine
what’s to be said for her dreams
or mine.
Does it mean anything, …we’ve touched…
that I’ve shared her mind and body and hours

I feel our time and our changings
she’s getting more real
the ground begins to show beneath it all

She’s riding on the edge of something bad
her life and her health are
thinner than the wind

And I can feel her there
her eyes that haunt me so
and the feelings in her life

Its like dust…it could blow away
and I wonder what it means
or what to say….

30 apr 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, April 30th, 1978

She bad dreamin … she must be
life can’t be so bad

she’s cryin everyday and getting thinner
I think she could lose it
and not think her life worth the pain anymore.

What is it that love unbinds in us
that only love can fix again…

She’s unraveling…her cheekbones and fingers
bear witness to it

her love has flown away
and now there’s nothing but the days
she waits for my return
and she won’t let it end

she tears her heart out again and again
to pass each aching day
and when I hold her and feel the pain
nothing eases…nothing goes away

she tries so hard not to say it
she tries to accept it my way
but she can’t stand it
and she drives me farther away

I can keep Danny and become celibate
but I can’t give my life away to the old ‘us’
its mine, but she can’t deal with it that way

her pain cuts deeper day by day
I feel it…Danny feels it
Rose’s heart is breaking…
what can I say… what can I say….

apr 30, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —