Crazy life, getting a lot of it these days— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
summer’s coming’, lovers too…its a fantasy done
in emotional pastels
Rose and I…drifted apart…
still some love in our eyes,
its easy…when we don’t hassle
how could I not love her…how?
New people, eyes and hands and time…
the sunlight and the plants…the music
these days that bear the passage of time…well
Ah, I’m dreamin’ away…some Siddartha…midway
down the midway of my dreams
passion and freight trains running all night.
Danny…Danny’s eyes growing up…we talk
I feel it, my bond to this boy, our flesh
and its OK…its good to be his father
time will walk me down sometime
to the end of these dream days
and unfold others for me to learn from.
but they’re all the same…mine
fly me now, self, into this song
chord days…ring me…and ring me well.
18 may 78
Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category
Thursday, May 18th, 19781978-05-22
Monday, May 22nd, 1978Did you know you smile in your sleep? You must be having good dreams I wonder if I am there - - no matter, for now, I am content with being your reality. You make me run-through-the sprinkler-on-a-hot-day happy. Like a playful breeze you've blown ever-so-gently across my life. You cool me, refresh me, gentle me I know you'll blow away, but wait, Please wait, at least until the heat has passed. Kathi K. 05-22-78
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
1978-05-23 Oz
Tuesday, May 23rd, 1978Oz— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Poetic lady … Kansas and Oz …
two reflections of the same thing
in our eyes … changing life.
That you can sometimes change
from one to the other
what does it matter …
stand still and they will both blow by
I’m a little bitter or melancholy, perhaps
I’ve been pressing the Oz out of life so long now
that all I hear are the lonely rumblings
of my emotional freight trains running thru the nights
some coming … some going.
Their whistles scream “Oz” … “Oz”
their journeys always end in Kansas
Not too long ago
I thought I was better than conventional love
and I left the fireside to run for the trains, repeatedly
but now I doubt that I was up to it … love …
trains always drop you in Kansas
and Kansas ain’t much without firesides.
Long Beach thinking about Kathi K.