Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Tuesday, May 23rd, 1978
            and when the dust had settled
               she realized she was still in kansas
            and God but its hard to stay in kansas
                  after you've been to oz
                              Kathi K.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, May 23rd, 1978

Easy now life…don’t take me too hard
I can’t stand to walk so suddenly
into the endless views of nothing
but the results of what my deeds may be.

It seems you’re swapping now…day by day
coming on stronger with pain and pleasure….
Kathi calls it Kansas and Oz
but it just worries me…with no place to fall.

Rose’s name has blown away in the wind
and these others like shadows come and go.
Oz today…Kansas tomorrow.

I feel the flow coming down on me,
my life is hard a-press
and I’m distilled out to where
dreams and reality have come head to head.

Hear me, life…don’t walk so hard.
I want to love you gently…
without bitterness or tears.

23 may 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, May 23rd, 1978

I must need help…I understand so little of what I’m doing
pressed by my fear I’ll call her and beg some of her time
and she knows me so well she doesn’t want to let me near
and then, with just a little of her love in my pocket,
I’m out to rape and pillage the world
I’m not sure at all I can change enough
to be trusted with her love
and yet I lack the courage not to beg her love to stay
why am I this way…was I weak and let temptation in…
these women I think I need so…
I’m their toy when they’ve got THEIR love’s love in their pocket
My mirrors, they; myself from another view
they tear me now as I once tore Beverly.
I’m split but I’m not so split that I can’t take a side
is it Dennis who’s afraid of being alone
or Dennis who’s struggling, nobly, to be independent
Is it Dennis who’s realizing love’s the only key
or Dennis who’s just caught up in physical maya?

I used to strive to be of one cloth for mental health
but then I gave into another side thinking I could still control
but those others become you…until you, as you were, are no more
for you become what you do and the doing splits lives…
splits you.

23 may 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —