Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Tuesday, May 23rd, 1978

So empty some mornings, in the aftermath of passion and non-commitments
a sophisticated dance of strangers on high wires
between the honesties and our self-preservations
sometimes, sometimes I wake up wondering …

Kathy’s slumbering passion makes a boy of me at times
but at other times her eyes fail to trust me
and so we pass in and out of the spaces
where we make contact

I said to her that I would melt her down
until she could let me see her soul
and I ache, sometimes, for just how close I’ve passed her
just behind her skin … just behind her eyes.


05-23-78 – about kathy a.

long beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, May 24th, 1978

I been to Kansas and I’ve seen the wind blow
And I’ve seen the weary eyed people, smiling, pack up and go
bound for Oz … ever Eastward easy dream …
That they can leave the Kansas dust behind them
is easy … so it seems

But I’ve found the days wait relentless here
I’ve come back too many times …
to the morning after empty days
with the wine and passion burned out.

We can go to Oz together and hide from that Kansas wind
but when we return its always alone
To the state we left our life in.


Long Beach – Kathi K.


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, May 24th, 1978
   but as for me
   my dreams are in the west, where only ocean breezes blow
               and the breeze of your
                  sweet breath across my
                        bare skin
                                          and that is real.
   in my state beats the relentless heat of suppression
   and there are no immigration laws that say you can't live here
                                                save those you make.
   and as for me
   this is my first trip here
   and I've returned not alone, but with the wine and passion
   burning deep inside me.
   and if i see the emerald city in your cool eyes,
            i may be forgiven --
                                 i always did like emerald
                                                better than jade.
                              Kathi K.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —