Harvest Gathering light I am the lens... sometimes I'm watching it sometimes I'm lost in it but few times, I am it. Gallagher 4 Oct 73
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Harvest Gathering light I am the lens... sometimes I'm watching it sometimes I'm lost in it but few times, I am it. Gallagher 4 Oct 73
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Perhaps I'm foolish to believe
I understand grace
but when she comes to me
there's no doubt
and when she leaves
no mistake
I can mark her presence by the absense
and absence by the presence of life's cares
She comes when my best is realized
and yet she's not a steady mark
for she'll run one step ahead of understanding
and fade with time unfulfilled.
She enfolds you unasked
and hides when sought
I believe she is the reward,
undefined as it seems,
to those who seek truth and love
by creating and living their best dreams.
10 Oct 73
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Carla Carla, the direct experience girl, blew some of my fuses when I fell into her eyes... It was when... looking at her gave way to seeing into her which gave way to understanding her which became loving her which was the direct knowledge of experiencing more than I could cope with... It was then that smoke began to coil out of my ears that curiosity gave way to overload .... Zap! Gallagher 12 Oct 73 LBSC
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —