Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Wednesday, May 31st, 1978

Petulant child-boy-man your lovers come and go your hours pass like leaves you haunt them as well as yourself honestly sharing the bits and pieces you stand proud and vain in awe of your own excesses of sensual gratification and your lack of true motivations or ideals

I feel the days slipping by wine and passion blurs the scenes the honesties and sharings are less real we press each other amid the days to prove again that we, they, are real but evening draws on and I tend to forget again what its all about

I love them all so differently but does it matter ... does it? its just another way to pass the time more pleasant than most, perhaps, but with no more meaning

Love is just a motion with out the soul's need and loving just an act without the passing of life's seed

Petulant and so confused I play without my heart in this game where shadows bleed.


31 may 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, June 6th, 1978

You got the feeling that you know nothing
that the razor’s through you, deeply cutting
just another pass and you’ll begin to see the truth
Lord truth … Lord truth … come my way

At every juncture, truth divides us along the edge
and always, where we’re not one …

It seems I’ve been cutting myself down lately
and the ragged part that’s left is slowly losing

as these lovers and truths entwined unbind
will there be nothing left of me
when the razors had it time?


06 jun 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, June 6th, 1978

The animal undersides … the essential being …
the presence … unleashed, beyond words
the bottom line of another person’s spirit.

Somewhere west of psychology
and south of LSD
and east of Honesty
and north of Love
are we … we, when all is said and done

She’s shown me now, this place in her
and its much, much more than I would’ve believed.

Simple Irishman … always jumping in over your head
I hope you’re up to her friendship, … you asked.


6 jun 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —