Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Friday, June 9th, 1978

Woke up from some rainy dream
Rose and I parting, again, it seems
so casual and callous, she, to me
and then, as I leave…tears

but, when I did leave it was again
amid anger and that sour feeling inside
that dies so poorly there.

I can’t understand or reach her
she seems to care at times
and to be bent on inconsideration
all the rest.

june 09,78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-06-13 Taking Rons truck home

Tuesday, June 13th, 1978

Taking Ron’s truck home

Capture these days
The desert sun and the indian miles
Durango, Flagstaff … the San Luis Valley

All the hours Kathi and I talked and made love
The evenings there in other cities
The day we bussed across southern Colorado
and walked thru Colorado Springs
and, finally, the flight from Denver
and the rocky mountain’s massive lines

Ron and Sally’s trailer, Kathi and I, and they
the easy friendship and how, smoking grass,
I saw Kathi’s spirit shine so clearly

Hugh Prather’s book, we read …
across the Arizona desert
in the Durango motel
and in the Trailways bus
oblivious to those around us

Dinners and smiles in Flagstaff
making love driving … and atop Wolf Creek pass
Sunshine hours and days pressed, living,
between the beginning and end of our journey

Here on the ground again, with Colorado just four hours old
it all seems forever distant

But here the impress of Kathi’s spirit remains
with its honesty and passion and intelligence
and, most of all, with its free standing love.


Long Beach – about Kathi K. & I going to


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-06-14 KK and Colorado

Wednesday, June 14th, 1978

KK and Colorado

What changed with her in the mountains?
her spirit and candor spoke straight to me
until I could resist no more
and now her eyes mean something to me.

How strange … does love create its own reflection?
no matter, its right … I miss her love.

How could I not love this woman?
Strong and open, intelligence and thoughtful,
loving and needing love, independent and fair,
she’s a wonder of a human being ….

The more I see into her … the more I see
every question squarely dealt with and answered
every emotion lived … not hidden ….

But I suppose, most of all, its her love,
her love that she gives so freely,
that I need most and least understand.

I hope she doesn’t find me lacking
as she dances her heart into mine.


Long Beach – about Kathi K.


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —