Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Tuesday, July 4th, 1978


         Party days...running and friends
         day after day the hours give way to our next plans
         Kathleen and Mike and Elmer and Joel and Richard...mixing
         The chief chemists...the speech I gave...the party after
         Kathleen bombed and all of us smiling
         The next day, so unbelievably removed from our lives
         we laughed the hours...loved the sun...and kissed our smiles
         between our life passages we find such peace, rarely


         Mike came from Sacramento for the weekend
         an old friend...good friend...he shared my hours and my house
         and listened to my life's whispering as I turned it pages
         and Elmer, in from Reno...1st time in a year
         Mike and Elmer and I...drinking beer all night, easy friends
         the beach...the movies...the restaurants
         the love making...the conversation Kathy and I had
         when we were so tired as we rambled and wrestled
         with more than we could hope to grasp at our best
         such pleasant pain.


                                    4 july 78



— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, July 4th, 1978

Talking to her eyes … I looked to find peace there
and to hold it to me to save me from life’s fears
Ah lady, … how can any of us love and have freedom, both?
insecurity and fear bay at every gate
and we’ll never find the line
between what we want and what can be agreed
but, for wonder, we talked about it … I holding her hand
and looking into her eyes to see the fears…
so rich to say it … life’s mysteries and paradoxes here, today
in this lady I love so …
so close and yet, … so far away
the same needs and the same fears of giving it all away.

04 jul 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, July 13th, 1978

I stopped to think about you
for just a moment….
Our hours
and your dark eyes
warmed me with a longing
as I mused.
You’re so far away and yet,
you’re so near….
Can it be your skin
I touched so
in our secret sheltered hours?

Somewhere, here,
among the efficient people
and the business forms
are you?
Do you breath? …
Are those your same eyes,
skin, hands, feelings
I felt?

Can you understand
why I think these things?
than no matter how many times
I press you to me and kiss your eyes
I will still wonder
if you’re for real….
when you are far away.

Dark eyes, come transfix me
and burn away my doubts.
Let me see your sun-seeds shining
and let me feel you
through these walls and floors.

I want it all,
we can give or get….

13 jul 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —