Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category

1978-07-17 The Body

Monday, July 17th, 1978

The Body

Today, when I was walking, I could hear myself
listening to my body and wishing I would begin
and not wait anymore to care for it.

Begin with conscious thought each day
shaping myself to become as I could will
more running … eating better … eating less
no coffee … more sleep … steady conscious
I’d love to love getting old
as best I can.

No taboos … just moderation
no more depressions as time flys
as you feel your body crying for help
between those everlasting immediate distractions

I want to begin … and so I’m still that one step away
from when I will … I’m still wishing.


17 jul 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-07-17 – 1 –

Monday, July 17th, 1978

– 1 –

It began when I shared my feeling that
seeing each other now for mere hours
seemed so much less than Palm Springs
or our Colorado trip
That we could not hit the same depths somehow now
and that the transition to this new place
seemed to rob our magic of some of its fire
just when I would wish to burnish it more
I said I’m not complaining but just sharing
and did it feel the same to her?…
it did, she said, and her voice and spirit
seemed to withdraw to somewhere inside of her
Then she said she was never sure how I felt when she had to leave
that it seemed as if I was always so logical, philosophical
and she wondered if I was really so
or if I hid my loss to protect her or myself somehow
and then the tangles began … semantics … and points of view
leaving … responsibility … resentments at being judged
needs … sharing … integrity … manipulation
these emotional magnetic riptides of needs unleashed
I said so long as I didn’t meddle with her decisions
by pressing my needs to her
that I could feel free of responsibility
for the problems and pain of her family
And she said she would not let herself be manipulated
and that she resented my prejudging her so
that my withholding my needs was a lack of trust in her
and she left my mind spinning as she equated
integrities independence with insecurities lack of trust.
I said what of the golden rule …
shouldn’t I do as I would have done?
and she said don’t do to me to meet YOUR needs
do to me to meet MINE and I’ll do the same for you
So is her need then that I should need her?
is it then that I should bear my feelings of responsibility
rather than dare to refuse to interfere?
What is all this … I just want to love someone
like me … free.


7-17-78 – about Kathi K.

Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-07-17 Giving our needs

Monday, July 17th, 1978

Giving our needs

I won’t give the part of myself that needs away again
its a pandora’s gift at best
it insidiously crawls into the heart of another
and tries to change them and trades much away

If I express my needs and you meet them because you love me
then its ALL because you want to
but, if I press my need to you as an emotional pressure
and you meet my need,
how am I to be sure you gave freely to me?

I will share my feelings and needs
but they must remain here in ME
I want to love you as you are
not to become a part of you.
free presents come from free people
I won’t have any other kind for I won’t extort
and if you tell me you wouldn’t let yourself be extorted
so I should go ahead and give you my needs
I wonder why you wouldn’t rather have me
standing on my own two feet.

gallagher – to Kathi K.

Long Beach


— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —