Ego-bound mirrors reflecting each other— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
I turn uneasy beneath cautions born of self-preservation
neither of us can say our heart
without fear and some reserve
and I wonder if she or I or the both of us
are the cause.
Every criticism I think to give her
applies to me equally well
and I see again and again
how I must look to her and the others
I give her the truth in all things that concern her
and yet the self-barriers come down so hard between us.
I’m poor at waiting for my heart to turn
I want my life to simplify
not to avoid these new truths I wrestle with
between security and freedom’s edge
but just in how I wrestle them with another.
We’ve got to speak our minds to advance
or to break off
and I’m so poor at waiting.
25 jul 78
Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category
Tuesday, July 25th, 19781978-07-26
Wednesday, July 26th, 1978I turn her every word now— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
look and listen endlessly
play over all our conversations
to find out what she thinks of me
Is it that I’m so insecure that
I can’t bear to love alone
or is my common sense here
saving me from a deeper wound?
Three days I loved her deeply
but now she’s there and I’m here
both free, without commitments
we dance a dance we both could lead
but it never seems to happen
Our love waits here behind our eyes
we know too much about us
about our past’s and all our lies
I’m confused and torn of heart now
I want to love, I want to win…
I want the strength to be a free man
and I want a lover who takes me in.
I’ve told her I want to share love
those secret spaces deep inside
but we wait to begin love
and I can’t tell if she’s scared
or if its I
…and I can tell if she’s scared
or, if its I.
26 jul 78
1978-07-27 Summer Rose
Thursday, July 27th, 1978Summer Rose— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Come July and the long summer wind
she called me
needed to hear a voice that could hear her
talked of confusion and the summer doldrums
the lover inbetween days she felt
and she considered what it was … this waiting
and I heard her in the wires,
her memories walking thru me,
between the murmuring words,
talking to me after the winter time
from so far away
about distance and summer … about time
27 jul 78 – long beach