Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Thursday, July 27th, 1978

It seems so much clearer now
now that I’ve seen her eyes…like mine
chasing the unobtainable lover’s dream
just as I’m chasing mine.

Its ironic how we each love someone else
who loves us less in turn
but yearns for the lover of another yet
who loves them also less in turn.

Jim would possess Kathy
and she would have me
And I would have Kathleen
and she, I’ve seen, longs for Ted.

These lover’s conjunctions – always and ever mismatched
we seek the things we can never have
from other who do the same
in an endless lover’s chain.

27 july 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-07-28 Eastern Fire

Friday, July 28th, 1978

                     Eastern Fire

Helen ... unfolds like a flower ... stories pass her lips to my wonder ... I,
so unseeing behind my blind passions ... had no conception
of her spirit or her beauty or her depth before

She easily matched me because she is the same
logical and controlled and passionate and willful, all together
her secret spaces eluded my empathy and I thought it to be the culture

But in the soft light, after, she told me of her coming
of Toronto and Vancouver and the places she left behind
and of her lover and of the Canadian strawberry fields

One hundred pounds of fire and logic silhouetted in my doorway
black raven's hair; the light plays on her face thru my new understandings
and I smile to see what a good friend has been my lover all along.


                              07-28-78 - about helen k.

                              long beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, July 30th, 1978

               Sometimes I've got too many lovers
               and not enough steady friends
               and I wake up too many mornings
               with a bad case of the lover bends

               We go down into our passion
               and we let the hours run away
               but when we come back into our real lives
               its still the same as yesterday

               Form ... illusion ... our hands now
               the curvatures, our skin at play
               I wake up too many mornings
               burned out for another day

               What does it matter if we cast ourselves
               against each other this way
               we're, still, each of us, alone inside
               and passion cannot chase that away

               But I still take my lovers
               in ego dances and play
               as if by my holding them
               I could chases all my fears away.

                                 30 july 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —